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Frenchwood Community Primary School

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Latest PSHE News and Events at Frenchwood

In the autumn term we have been Celebrating Differences. We have been learning about how our differences make us special and unique. Our school is a special place as despite our differences we all come together to part of the  Frenchwood family. In our assemblies we have been suggesting what #itsokto 


Here is a link to our assembly with our ideas:


In spring term in Jigsaw we have been learning about 'Healthy Me'. Here are our school displays of our learning. 

Well-being is very important to pupils and staff. What better way for our Cygnets and Ducklings to relax after a busy week at school then creating their own spa. 

Each class have started their PSHE learning for this year by creating a Jigsaw charter. These are a set of rules that each class will use in their Jigsaw lessons and other curriculum lessons. 



Key stage 1 children have been looking at the changes that happen during our lives, growing from a baby to a toddler and then to a child. Here are our ideas: 



Learning Disability Week

At Frenchwood we value our tolerance of others and how we are all different from one another. We have been learning about Learning Disability Week as part of our weekly Jigsaw assembly. Here is a link to our assembly:


Children's Mental Health Week

Children's Mental Health Week took place between the 7th and 13th February. At Frenchwood we followed the national theme of 'growing together'. Classes took part in our special Jigsaw assembly, here is the link:

We also used this week to think about e-safety and the affects that the online world can have on our mental health. We looked at how to stay safe online and how this can improve our mental health.


Comic Relief - Red Nose Day

To raise awareness and money for Comic Relief, the children at Frenchwood Community Primary School came to school wearing red clothes and brought in a kind donation. In total we raised just over £200, what a fantastic achievement. Throughout the day there were lots of different activities going on in school from watching BBC's live lessons, to decorating our own red nose day biscuits. Here are some pictures of what we got up too. 



RE / ART / PSHE Day 2022

“We have far more in common with each other than that which divides us.” Today the children thought about this quote and what it meant to them. We had class discussions about race, culture, equality, diversity and religion and how it unites us. The children then had free reign to create their own piece of art work to show what this quote meant to them. We have a large display at our new school entrance of some of the amazing work we have created. 
