Year Group | Standardised Objectives |
Year N | Managing Self - Select and use activities and resources, with help when needed;
Creating with Materials - Explore different materials freely, in order to develop their ideas about how to use them and what to make.
- Develop their own ideas and then decide which materials to use to express them Join different materials and explore different textures.
Fine Motor - Use one-handed tools and equipment, for example, making snips in paper with scissors;
- Use a comfortable grip with good control when holding pens and pencils.
Creating with Materials - Create closed shapes with continuous lines, and begin to use these shapes to represent objects.
- Draw with increasing complexity and detail, such as representing a face with a circle and including details.
- Use drawing to represent ideas like movement or loud noises.
Speaking - Use a wider range of vocabulary
Year R | ELG Managing Self - Be confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge;
ELG Creating with Materials - Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function
ELG Creating with Materials - Share their creations, explaining the process they have used
ELG Fine Motor - Hold a pencil effectively in preparation for fluent writing – using the tripod grip in almost all cases
- Use a range of small toys, including scissors, paint brushes and cutlery
- Begin to show accuracy and care when drawing
ELG Creating with Materials - Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function
- Share their creations, explaining the process they have used
ELG Comprehension - Use and understand recently introduced vocabulary during discussions about stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems and during role-play.
ELG Creating with Materials - Share their creations, explaining the process they have used
Year 1 | - In painting, use thick and thin brushes to produce lines and shapes
- In painting, mix colours to make secondary colours
- In pencil, draw lines of different length and thickness
- In collage, sort and use a range of materials that are torn, glued and cut
- In sculpture, use techniques such as rolling, cutting, moulding and carving
- In textiles, join materials using glue
- In print, use repeat and overlapping shapes (using objects to create print)
- Begin to develop artistic vocabulary
- Begin to use art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space with a range of materials
- Talk about the work of an artist, craft maker or designer
- Discuss their own and others’ work
Year 2 | - In painting, use a variety of thick and thin brushes to produce lines and shapes, textures and patterns
- In painting, mix colours to make secondary colours and add white to make tints/black to make tones
- Use a range of pencils to draw lines of different lengths/thickness and show pattern using dots/lines
- In collage, mix materials to create texture eg coiling, overlapping, montage
- In sculpture, create and combine shapes to make recognisable shapes
- In textiles, weave and join materials using glue or stitch
- In print, use repeat and overlapping shapes (using objects to create print)
- Use correct artistic vocabulary
- Use and apply art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space with a range of materials
- Know about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers
- Describe similarities and differences and make links to own work
Year 3 | - Create sketchbooks to record and revisit observations
- In painting, use white to make tints and black to make tones and create a colour wheel
- In collage, consider the effect of chosen materials and technique
- In sculpture, include texture that conveys feelings, expression or movement and refine use of tools
- In textiles, use plaiting and dip-dye techniques
- In print, press, roll, rub and stamp and recreate print from environment
- In digital media, use a range of tools to create different lines, colours, shapes, tones and textures
- Use range of artistic vocabulary to discuss and evaluate work
- Use and apply art and design techniques and improve their control and use of materials
- Evaluate work of some artists and analyse creative works
- Know about great artists, architects and designers and how their art/design reflected and shaped our history
Year 4 | - Create sketchbooks to record and revisit observations
- In painting, use watercolours to produce washes for backgrounds
- In collage, use mosaic and montage
- In drawing, use a range of techniques to show effects, movement, perspective and reflection
- In sculpture, include texture that conveys feelings, expression or movement and refine use of tools
- In textiles, use basic cross and back stitch
- In print, use layers of two or more colours
- In digital media, use a range of tools to create images, video and sound recordings
- Use range of artistic vocabulary to discuss and evaluate work
- Apply art and design techniques with creativity, experimentation and increasing awareness
- Draw on work of other artists for inspiration and begin to emulate their style
- Know about great artists, architects and designers and how their art/design reflected and shaped our history and contributed to the culture of our nation
Year 5 | - Capture artistic process in sketch book
- In painting, use watercolours to suggest mood
- In collage, with increasing confidence, combine visual and tactile qualities
- In drawing, use a range of pencils to begin to develop a personal style, drawing on work of other artists for inspiration
- In sculpture, combine visual and tactile qualities
- In textiles, use stitch and select from a range of stitching techniques
- In print, make printing blocks to create a repeating pattern
- Enhance digital media by editing including sound, video, animation, still images and installations
- Use range of artistic vocabulary to communicate ideas, discuss and evaluate work/other artworks
- Improve mastery of art/design techniques with a wide range of materials
- Understand how great artists, architects and designers contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation
- Communicate ideas and comment on artworks using artistic language
Year 6 | - Capture artistic process in sketch book
- In painting, combine colours, tones and tints to enhance mood
- In drawing, use a wide range of pencils to begin to develop a personal style, drawing on the work of other artists for inspiration
- In collage, combine visual and tactile qualities
- In drawing, use a range of pencils to begin to develop a personal style, drawing on work of other artists for inspiration
- In sculpture, use frameworks (wire or moulds) to provide stability and form
- In textiles, use stitch and select from a range of stitching techniques
- In print, make precise repeating patterns with accurate pattern and fine detail
- Enhance digital media by editing including sound, video, animation, still images and installations
- Use wide range of artistic vocabulary to communicate ideas, discuss and evaluate work/other artworks
- Master art/design techniques with a wide range of materials
- Over the course of history, understand how great artists, architects and designers contributed to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation
- Communicate ideas and comment on artworks using artistic language