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Frenchwood Community Primary School

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We have a winner!

Earlier in the year, Year 6 entered a young writer’s competition run by Lancashire Life Magazine. I am thrilled to announce that Humayrah Timol was awarded a runner’s up prize! Hundreds of stories were sent in by writers across Lancashire and Humayrah’s talent and creativity stood out. The winning stories will be published in Lancashire Life Magazine.


Well done, Humaryah. Keep writing for pleasure!

Lancashire Life Short Story Competition

Children in Year 6 have been invited to take part in a creative writing competition. There are twelve winning prizes in total with each winner having their story published in Lancashire Life as well as a wealth of wonderful prizes including tickets to Blackpool Pleasure Beach and tickets to the cinema.


We have some fantastic writers at Frenchwood and their entries have been sent to Lancashire Life Magazine. Although we don't know the winners yet, the fact that some of our children have written their own stories in their own time has really impressed me.

Fantastic Book Awards

We have launched this year's FBA (Fantastic Book Awards) with a crew of brilliant book worms from Year 6. We have all read a stack of new stories and given our votes out of a potential five stars. After this, we calculated the mean average to find our winner. It was..........Adam B Wins the Internet by Adam B himself (Adam Beales in case you didn't know!) 


Our FBA members are from Year 6 classes, Eagles and Owls, and we had a total of fifteen members this year. It has been brilliant to get to know all of these children and spend some lunchtimes together. Having read five fantastic new books, they have inspired other readers to try out these books too. Well done and a big thank you to all of the FBA crew!

The Book Bus came to Frenchwood

Hooray! The Book Bus has been to visit Frenchwood!

Lancashire Libraries sent their Book Bus to us in January 2024. Children from each class boarded the bus, taking with them some of our older library books and swapping them for exciting, brand new titles for their libraries. 

It was very exciting and we now have a whopping 623 new books for our KS1 and KS2 libraries. 

A big thank you to all of our children who demonstrated their Frenchwood Values today by being respectful, kind and welcoming whilst on the bus. A further huge thank you to Rumaysa, Humayrah and Sanaa in Owls Class who have made new library tickets too. 

Sue Dean Writing Award Winners - Year 3 and 4

A huge well done to our creative and entertaining writers in Year 3 and 4 who have won the Sue Dean Writing Award in the summer term of 2023: Arhaan, Sarah M and Mohammad Amin - all in Year 4. Also, Sumanah S and Zara I in Year 3.

Mrs Bull and Mrs Bidwell were mightily impressed with the vocabulary choices, sentence structure and engaging tone of all the writing pieces.  


World Book Day 2023

Spelling Bee Winners KS2

World Book Day Fancy Dress - The Bees

Reading with another class.

World Book Day 2023 - Snowball stories

Creating Snowball Stories together is a World Book Day tradition at Frenchwood. The stories began in EYFS classes before making their journeys through key stage one classes and reaching their conclusions in Year 6! Well done to all of the children in their classes for contributing towards such fun and adventurous stories.

Snowball Story 1 written by Ducklings, Goldfinches, Kingfishers, Kestrels, Ospreys and Eagles.

Snowball story 2 written by Cygnets, Woodpeckers, Harriers, Falcons, Hawks and Owls

Snack and a Chat

Well done to all the children who enjoyed squash and biscuits while discussing cross curricular writing at Frenchwood school.  The children were very enthusiastic about talking about their writing and knew what they were doing well at and what they needed to do to  improve. Well done to all involved.  Mrs Bull and Mrs Bidwell.

Winter Warmer Day - Reading with another class.

Super reading with Kestrels and Cygnets. They really enjoyed getting together and sharing a good book.

Fantastic Book Awards (FBA) launch 2022

Mrs Bull meeting Cressida Cowell


 Able Writers Day 2022


Queens Drive Primary School in Fulwood welcomed some of our students for Able Writers Day. The children had a fabulous time creating their own poems and performances with input from special guest, Donavan Christopher. 


Donavan is a renowned rap performance poet who has been writing poetry for 20 years as a tool of self expression and to tackle social issues, respect and cultural diversity. He engaged the children in fun and imaginative ways helping them capture and express their own thoughts and ideas into poetry. 


A great day was had by all! Sincere thanks to Queens Drive Primary School, Donavan Christopher, all our staff involved and our children for representing Frenchwood community primary school with their exemplary behaviour and wonderful poems. 



World Book Day 2022

Children across the school enjoyed celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March. We dressed up as our favourite book character and entered a competition, designing a new book cover. As well as winning a book to take home, the winners from each class were taken to Waterstones bookshop to choose new, exciting books to replenish our school libraries. 


Throughout the day, children met up with other classes to share stories and celebrate their love of reading. As a school, we collaborated to write a 'snowball story'; a short story with a section written by different classes. We were also thrilled to join in with live lessons with other schools across the UK and completed a variety of fun-filled activities in class. 


FBA (Fantastic Book Awards) 2022

Children in Year 6 have enjoyed reading, reviewing and discussing a variety of new and exciting children's literature. The FBA meet on a weekly basis after taking books home each week to devour! During their weekly meetings, children share their thoughts and feelings about the books they have read and, hopefully, find they have stumbled across an enjoyable book they might never have come across before. At the end of the sessions, the FBA vote for their favourite book of the year.

World Poetry Day

World Poetry Day is celebrated on 21st March every year.  This year it coincided with Frenchwood celebrating the value - Respect. The children were invited to create an accrostic poem at home for a poetry competition. We were inundated with superb poems from children across the school. These are some of my favourites.

World Poetry Day 21st March 2022

World Book Day

Our snowball stories

Frenchwood Published Authors - Sue Dean Award - progression



Sue Dean published Writer Autumn 2 2022

Year 5

Hawks Adeola

Ospreys Humayrah Timol

Sue Dean Published Writers Autumn Term 1 2022


Well done to Arina and Fatima for achieving the Sue Dean Published Writers award for Autumn Term 1 2022.

Sue Dean Writing Award Winners in Years 3 & 4
