Our Team
Each half term, families of children with additional needs are invited to a a coffee afternoon in our Family Hub, where they can meet with our SEND team.
Mrs Susan Wilkinson is our SENDCo, and can be contacted via the school office. Her usual working days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Wilkinson co-ordinates our approach to managing the additional needs of pupils, working alongside children, families, staff and the local authority.
Please make an appointment to see her if you have concerns about your child’s development.
Mrs Tracey Ibitoye is our Neurodiversity Lead. She has lots of practical advice and experience of helping staff and families to support our pupils who may have be diagnosed or show some signs of autism, ADHD and attachment disorder.
Mrs Susan Watson is our trained Emotional Literacy Support Advisor (ELSA), and Learning Mentor. She keeps a special eye out for pupils who may be experiencing, or may have experienced trauma, and helps them to develop coping strategies. She also helps to develop the skills of children who have difficulty with managing social situations.
Mrs Jacqui Hobson is our Attendance Lead. She works alongside staff and parents to ensure that pupils are able to overcome barriers that may impact regular school attendance.
Mrs Alia Hamid is the governor with a special interest in SEND.