Responsibility for health and safety
Lancashire Local Authority draws up a health and safety policy that is adopted and implemented by our governing body. All staff deal with day-to-day enforcement of the health and safety policy.
This applies while your child is in the charge of school staff - whether they are on or off the school site, during the school day and outside normal school hours.
Learning Safely
Getting out of the classroom from time to time – whether it’s a week away on an educational visit or an hour-long science lesson in the school grounds – is a valuable learning experience.
Getting out of the classroom can mean pupils and staff facing hazards not present in the classroom - traffic, for example. Risk can never be eliminated entirely, but can be reduced to an acceptable level by good safety management. This enables visits to take place even where potential additional hazards exist. All our trips are carefully planned and have specific risk assessments in place. These are monitored by the local authority using an online system called EVOLVE.