Welcome to Year 5 and to Hawks class.
This year, children in Hawks class will be taught by Mr Moore and Mrs Khan.
- Our Library day is on Fridays so don't forget to bring your book so we can change it.
- PE is on Monday and Tuesday and you are permitted to come to school in your kits on these days. Remember that no jewellery is allowed to be worn for health and safety reasons.
- Please ensure that you bring your water bottles and snacks to school every day.
- NEW PLANNERS - Each day, children are asked to record an overview of their learning in their planners. Please ask your child what they have been learning that day!
In Hawks you will receive the following homework every week and we expect it to be completed on time.
- Reading - we would like you to read for a minimum of three times each week and write a comment in your planner. Diaries are collected and signed every Friday.
- Spellings - these are sent out on Wednesdays and tested on the following Wednesday. These need to be practised at home.
- Times Tables - it is really important to know your times tables as this will help you so much in many different aspects of your Maths work. We want you to be fluent and fast! Use TT Rockstars and Hit the Button to help you.
- Every Friday, children will receive homework, this will consist of 1 or more of the following: reading comprehension, grammar and maths.
Clitheroe Castle
Children enjoyed their visit toi Clitheroe castle. They took part in a variety of activities including, archery, catapult building, bridge building and learning about battle wear throughout the centuries.
This half term we have been covering multiples, factors , division and fractions. Children have been working hard to spot patterns , explain their thinking and share their understanding with others.
Here are some examples of the fact files we created about multiples, factors, primes and composites.
Did you know a multiple of 3 can be spotted by adding up all of it's digits ; if the answer is 3, 6 , 9 you know it is a multiple of 3!
36 = 3+6 = 9= a multiple of 3.
345 = 3+4+5 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 = a multiple of 3
5775 = 5+7+7+5 = 24 = 2+4 = 6 = a multiple of 3.
This is great if you need to quickly spot if a number divided by 3 will result in any remainders.
In our English lessons over the last few weeks we have been looking at play scripts. We have learned their features, practised reading them aloud with expression and acting the scenes out and have even written our own scripts based on the story of Finn McCool.
This half term's science is focused on the wonder of light! We have been carefully considering how light travels and enables us to view the world around us. This week we have been studying the eye and its inner-workings . Did you know our retina views the world upside down ? The image travels through the optical nerve into the brain which then flips the image the 'correct' way up. Amazing!