Welcome to Owls.
My name is Mrs Blackburn and I love being a teacher and getting to work with all the fantastic children in Year 6. I work with Mrs Bapu who is a brilliant and brainy teaching assistant especially when it comes to solving tricky maths problems!
STEM Cyber Box Challenge
We were visited by a team of cyber specialists who brought us an intriguing and tricky code to crack! We worked in teams to solve clues, find hidden meanings and ultimately, crack a code against the clock! It was very exciting to solve the problems and try not to get locked out of the coded boxes. We also learnt about some of the different careers available where these skills are used and how we could get into these jobs in the future.
In English last term, we read and explored the brilliant story, Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. It is such a heart warming story. We explored the narrative from a range of perspectives and ended the unit by writing our own version from the viewpoint of Michael's dad.
Along the way, we had collected and generated some exciting vocabulary to describe the storm which we then used to create our own storm poems.
Guided Reading
This term are reading The Viewer by Shaun Tan. It is a mysterious story about a curious, adventurous boy named Tristan who loves exploring objects found at the city dump. We have been developing our reading skills and ensuring we use APE to answer comprehension questions using clear points, proving each one with evidence and then explaining them further to gain maximum marks.
This term we have been revisiting the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages: they are like three best friends who are always together! We have been converting between the three possibilities as well as using our knowledge to solve problems involving these.
Theme - The Egyptians
We have begun our unit on The Egyptians by asking ourselves and each other how it is that we know so much about them! No-one in our class was around at that time - which is over five thousand years ago!
What do we have in common with these people? How are our lives different to theirs? What did they believe in and how did this shapes their lives?
Clitheroe Castle Trip
As part of our topic on Anglo-Saxons during the Autumn, we visited a castle from the medieval times. We took part in some scientific activities such as using catapults, firing arrows in archery, sword handling and bridge building. It was great fun at the castle working in teams to solve problems and have a go at the different activities. We also had some free time to play on the park with our friends as well as squeezing in a trip to the museum next to the castle.