School Name

Frenchwood Community Primary School

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Welcome to Eagles

My name is Mrs Kay and my amazing teaching assistant is Mrs Wood

General Reminders

  • PE: We have two PE sessions a week, Tuesdays (Outdoor) and Thursdays (Indoor). Please make sure the children come to school in their PE kits on those days. If they have long hair, ensure it is tied back and earrings are taken out or covered.
  • Library: Each week, the children will have the opportunity to visit the school library and choose a new book to read and enjoy. This is on a Wednesday so please ensure their Library book is in school on that day so they do not miss out on this opportunity.
  • Water Bottles/Snack: Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle and a healthy snack to eat during snack break.

Our trip to Beacon Fell

We had a lovely day at Beacon Fell. We worked collaboratively to make a den and enjoyed a walk to the summit.

Survival day

To finish off our "Survival" topic, we took part in a survival morning. We explored our new nature garden, guided each other round an obstacle course during a blind walk, worked as a team to put up a tent and cracked a code to reveal a secret word.

Our trip to Lancashire Archives.


We had a really interesting trip to Lancashire archives. We learnt all about historical documents and were lucky enough to research Frenchwood's past.

Victorian Day

We had a lovely Victorian Day. We visited different classrooms and took part in a range of activities. We visited a school house, a workhouse, a rich house and a poor house.

We are learning about the Anglo-Saxons.

We made Anglo-Saxon villages in DT

We had a super trip to Clitheroe Castle.



Calculating angles

We make our learning visual whenever possible. We used this bar model to support our understanding of percentages.


In English we have been reading Street Child by Berlie Doherty. We have enjoyed sympathising with characters through role play.


Making circuits




We were extremely lucky to be taught a PE lesson by two first-team PNE footballers - Emil Riis and Ryan Ledson. We asked a lot of super questions about life as a professional footballer and we even got their autographs!

Invasion games with a coach from PNE


As part of out History topic on transport, we visited the Leyland Transport Museum.

Curriculum Day.

We completed our learning about the United Kingdom with a curriculum day, when we went on a tour of the UK. We made flags, listened to national anthems and learnt a lot of facts about the different countries.
