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Religious Education (Lancashire Agreed Syllabus)        

Expected standards: Hindu Dharma

Y6: Is life like a journey?

RE skills

  • analyse beliefs, teachings and values and how they are linked
  • explain how the beliefs and values of a religious tradition might guide a believer through the journey of life
  •  explain the impact of beliefs, values and practices – including differences between and within religious traditions
  • use developing religious vocabulary to describe and show understanding of religious traditions, including practices, rituals and experiences
  • explain differing ideas about religious expression
  • consider what makes us human – in terms of our beliefs and values, relationships with others and sense of identity and belonging
  • discuss how people change during the journey of life
  • raise, discuss and debate questions about identity, belonging, meaning, purpose, truth, values and commitments
  • develop own views and ideas in response to learning
  • demonstrate increasing self-awareness in their own personal development

content               (Hindu Dharma)

  • analyse Hindu beliefs about samsara, karma and moksha and how these are linked
  • explain how belief in reincarnation might affect the way in which a Hindu views the ‘journey of life’
  • explain how belief in reincarnation and the law of karma might affect the way a Hindu lives
  • describe and explain the four ashramas (stages of life) in the life of a Hindu
  • explain how a person might change as they move from one ashrama to the next
  • consider the importance of the samskaras (rites of passage) in preparing a Hindu for the commitments of each ashrama
  • discuss the special milestones that we might celebrate during a person’s lifetime
  • discuss how our rights, responsibilities and relationships with others might change as we go through life
  • ask and respond thoughtfully to questions about their own journey of life – consider how events and influences so far have made them the person they are today and what has been important learning to prepare them for the future

Y5: Where can we find guidance about how to live our lives?

RE skills

  • make links between beliefs and sacred texts, including how and why religious sources are used to teach and guide believers
  • explain the impact of beliefs and values  – including reasons for diversity
  • explain differing forms of expression and why these might be used
  • describe diversity of religious practices and lifestyle within the religious tradition
  • interpret the deeper meaning of symbolism – contained in stories, images and actions
  • explain (with appropriate examples) where people might seek wisdom and guidance
  • consider the role of rules and guidance in uniting communities
  • discuss and debate the sources of guidance available to them
  • consider the value of differing sources of guidance

content                        (Hindu Dharma)

  • make links between the story of Prince Prahlad and Hindu beliefs about devotion and loyalty
  • explain Hindu beliefs about Krishna and what stories about Krishna might teach Hindus
  • explain the Hindu belief that God is present in all people (through the atman) and the impact this might have on a believer
  • describe and explain a variety of ways that Hindus might celebrate the festival of Holi
  • suggest why there might  be differences in the way that Hindu festivals are celebrated in India and how Hindu communities and individuals in the UK might celebrate
  • explain how Holi celebrations might express Hindu beliefs about equality
  • explain how festivals and celebrations might be helpful ways for communities and societies to pass on values, guidance and traditions
  • consider the different ways that myth and stories are and used
  • explain how a ‘truth’ might be contained within a story
  • consider how they decide what is ‘true’ – and how there might be different types of truth (eg. empirical truth, historical truth, spiritual truth)
  • discuss and debate things that they consider to be true that others might disagree with

Y4: How should we live our lives?

RE skills

  • describe what a believer might learn from a religious teaching/story
  • make links between ideas about morality and sources of authority
  • describe the impact religion has on believers’ lives
  • explain the deeper meaning and symbolism for specific religious practices
  • consider the range of beliefs, values and lifestyles that exist in society
  • discuss how people make decisions about how to live their lives
  • reflect on their own personal sources of wisdom and authority

content                           (Hindu Dharma)

  • explore teachings about good and evil in the story of Rama and Sita
  • describe what moral guidance Hindus might gain from the story of Rama and Sita
  • make links between the actions of Rama and the belief that he is an avatar of Vishnu, appearing on earth to destroy evil and uphold dharma
  • use subject specific language to describe how and why Hindus celebrate Diwali
  • explain the importance of light in the Diwali celebrations, and how this is a symbol of good overcoming evil
  • discuss (with relevant examples) the importance of the belief that good overcomes evil
  • suggest people, words or stories that might be inspiring when trying to overcome difficulties in life
  • reflect on their own concept of ‘goodness’
  • discuss what gives them hope during difficult times

Y3: Who should we follow?

RE skills

  • show awareness of similarities in religions
  • identify beliefs and values contained within a story/teaching
  • identify the impact religion has on a believer
  • identify how religion is expressed in different ways
  • use religious terms to describe how people might express their beliefs
  • describe how some people, events and sources of wisdom have influenced and inspired others
  • in relation to matters of right and wrong, recognise their own and others’ values
  • discuss own questions and responses related to the question ‘who should we follow – and why?’

content                                      (Hindu Dharma)

  • develop an understanding of the importance of duty and commitment to many religions
  • know that following dharma (religious duty) is an important part of Hindu life
  • suggest the impact of belief in dharma, particularly the belief that there are three ‘debts’ – duty owed to God/the deities, duty owed to teachers, and duty owed to family
  • describe how and why Hindus might celebrate Raksha Bandhan
  • identify aspects of the celebration which remind Hindus of their dharma
  • identify religious teachings contained within a Hindu story – and suggest how these stories might be used to teach Hindu children about dharma (eg. What teachings about duty to family are expressed in the story of Rama and Sita?)
  • identify sources of authority and inspiration
  • consider what our ‘duties’ as human beings are
  • reflect on their own duties – to themselves, to their families, to their communities
  • discuss who or what they follow – and why

Y2: How do we respond to the things that really matter?

RE skills

  • retell and suggest meanings for religious stories and/or beliefs
  • use some religious words and phrases when talking about beliefs and values
  • identify and describe how religion is expressed in different ways
  • suggest the symbolic meaning of imagery and actions
  • identify things that influence a person’s sense of identity and belonging
  • ask relevant questions
  • talk about their own identity and values

content                              (Hindu Dharma)

  • know that Hindus believe in one God (Brahman) who can be worshipped in many forms
  • know that these forms (the deities) have different qualities and are portrayed in different ways
  • suggest why Hindus might believe that it is important to show devotion to the deities
  • know that Hindus might worship at a Mandir and/or the home shrine
  • suggest why worship in the home might be important
  • describe the meaning and symbolism of items used in worship (eg. arti lamp, items on the puja tray)
  • talk about qualities that make some people special
  • identify ways in which humans show their gratitude to the people who matter in their lives
  • talk about who is special to them and why
  • reflect on who they should be grateful to and how they might show this in words and actions

Y1: What do people say about God?

RE skills

  • give an example of a key belief and/or a religious story
  • give an example of a core value or commitment
  • use some religious words and phrases to recognise and name features of religious traditions
  • talk about the way that religious beliefs might influence the way a person behaves
  • notice and show curiosity about people and how they live their lives
  • ask questions

content                         (Hindu Dharma)

  • know that Hindus believe in one God in many forms
  • know that Hindus believe that God is present in all living things
  • suggest what Hindus might learn about God from the story of the blind men and the elephant
  • talk about how and why Hindus might use statues and images (murtis) in their worship
  • suggest symbolic meanings expressed in the images
  • talk about the different ways that people can be seen and described
  • consider how people might have multiple roles
  • reflect on how others might see them
  • talk about the different roles that they might have (friend, child, brother/sister etc.)


knowing about and understanding religions and worldviews

expressing and communicating ideas related to religions and worldviews

Lancashire Field of enquiry

Beliefs and values

Living Religious Traditions

Shared Human Experience

Search for Personal Meaning

