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Religious Education (Lancashire Agreed Syllabus)        

Expected standards: Hindu Dharma

Y6: Is life like a journey?

RE skills

  • analyse beliefs, teachings and values and how they are linked
  • explain how the beliefs and values of a religious tradition might guide a believer through the journey of life
  •  explain the impact of beliefs, values and practices – including differences between and within religious traditions
  • use developing religious vocabulary to describe and show understanding of religious traditions, including practices, rituals and experiences
  • explain differing ideas about religious expression
  • consider what makes us human – in terms of our beliefs and values, relationships with others and sense of identity and belonging
  • discuss how people change during the journey of life
  • raise, discuss and debate questions about identity, belonging, meaning, purpose, truth, values and commitments
  • develop own views and ideas in response to learning
  • demonstrate increasing self-awareness in their own personal development

content               (Hindu Dharma)

  • analyse Hindu beliefs about samsara, karma and moksha and how these are linked
  • explain how belief in reincarnation might affect the way in which a Hindu views the ‘journey of life’
  • explain how belief in reincarnation and the law of karma might affect the way a Hindu lives
  • describe and explain the four ashramas (stages of life) in the life of a Hindu
  • explain how a person might change as they move from one ashrama to the next
  • consider the importance of the samskaras (rites of passage) in preparing a Hindu for the commitments of each ashrama
  • discuss the special milestones that we might celebrate during a person’s lifetime
  • discuss how our rights, responsibilities and relationships with others might change as we go through life
  • ask and respond thoughtfully to questions about their own journey of life – consider how events and influences so far have made them the person they are today and what has been important learning to prepare them for the future

Y5: Where can we find guidance about how to live our lives?

RE skills

  • make links between beliefs and sacred texts, including how and why religious sources are used to teach and guide believers
  • explain the impact of beliefs and values  – including reasons for diversity