Latest Maths news and events at Frenchwood
Below you will find photographs of our maths lessons and work here at Frenchwood. Have a look at all the amazing things we have been learning throughout the different key stages.
AIM High Able and talented Maths day.
Some Year 3/4 children had an amazing day completing Maths challenges and watching some Maths magic. They played lots of games that encouraged them to think hard about strategy and technique, and were certainly challenged. They had a super day and represented Frenchwood brilliantly.
Times Tables Rockstars.
In November, KS2 children took part in the "England Rocks" tournament. Frenchwood came 966th out of 3,913 schools across the country.
Well done to our top 3 players: Rayyan, Adam and Sarah, and our top 3 classes: Eagles, Kestrels and Hawks.
As part of our Numeracy day, we created a picture of our our dream job or hobby and how it uses numbers. The entries were amazing! Well done!
As part of our National Numeracy Day, we came together to make history! Our school took part in the biggest number roll in history and smashed the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDSĀ® title. It was great fun and the children enjoyed chanting and singing along to the Times tables challenge.
Kit boxes
We use kit boxes in our Maths lessons to support our learning. Concrete resources (also referred to as manipulatives) are objects or physical resources that children can handle and manipulate to aid their understanding of different maths concepts.