Code of Conduct - Staff
Next review September 2024
1 All members of the school community are entitled to expect the highest standards of conduct from all staff employed in schools across Lancashire and this policy reflects relevant legislation and expectations applying to all employees working in such establishments.
2.1 This document sets out a code of conduct for all staff in schools with delegated budgets. This policy is intended to:
- give clear guidance to all concerned regarding appropriate conduct in the workplace;
- enable schools to set out clear expectations of all staff in order to minimise the likelihood of misconduct in the workplace;
- comply with legislation that affects staff employed in educational settings.
2.2 This policy has been the subject of consultation between the Authority and the recognised Trade Unions and Teacher Associations.
2.3 This policy has been adopted and is published as part of the staffing policies of the Governing Body of Frenchwood Community Primary School.
3.1 This procedure applies to all staff employed in Frenchwood Community Primary School.
3.2 Reference to 'Headteacher' throughout this document should read 'Chair of Governors' in the case of the conduct of the Headteacher.
4.1 The Code sets out the minimum standards that should apply and is not exhaustive.(See Section 6 for further details)
4.2 It is recommended that this document is shared with all staff on appointment and those in current employment and that a copy is included in the schools staff handbook.
4.3 Employees whose conduct fails to meet the standards of conduct as set out in this document may be regarded as being in breach of discipline and may be dealt with under the School's Disciplinary Procedure.
Staff are expected to fulfil the obligations placed upon them under the terms of their contract of employment, i.e.
- Be ready and willing to work as specified in their role definition/Job Description
- Conduct their work in a co-operative manner.
- Attend work
- Be punctual in time keeping
- Be honest and trustworthy
- Obey reasonable management instructions
- Take care of themselves, their colleagues and others while at work
- Take care of school property
- Familiarise themselves with, and follow the Health and Safety rules applicable in their school
- Compliance with the school's Smoking at Work Policy.
6.1 Teachers are expected to adhere to the Teachers Standards as set out in the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document.
6.2 All staff are expected to adhere to and conduct themselves in line with the Department for Education's 'Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adults who working With Children and Young people in Education Settings' (May, 2019).
6.3 All staff are expected to adhere to and conduct themselves in line with the Department for Education's statutory guidance for school and colleges on 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' (September 2021)
Professional Conduct
All staff are expected to:-
i. Accept and adhere to school policies and procedures
ii. Undertake their duties and responsibilities effectively, efficiently and diligently.
iii. Show respect for all members of the school community by being polite, courteous and refraining from the use of inappropriate language in all forms of communication eg verbal, face to face and electronic communications.
iv. Maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information (particularly relating to pupils) obtained in the course of their employment. Any information obtained in the course of employment should be not used for personal gain or benefit, nor should it be passed on to others who might use it in the same way. Any queries about what constitutes 'sensitive' information and who it can be shared with should be directed to the appropriate member of the school's leadership team or the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
v. Ensure fairness at all times when dealing with customers, suppliers, other contractors and sub contractors. No special favour should be given to current/former employees or partners/relatives or associates.
vi. Comply with the school's Statement of Ethical Standards in relation to the acceptance of gifts in cash or kind and hospitality noting that it is a criminal offence under the Bribery Act 2010 to offer, promise or give financial advantage or other advantage to someone; or to request, agree or accept or receive a bribe from another person.
vii. Declare any interests (financial or otherwise) that may be considered as being in conflict with the school's interests.
viii. Use appropriate lines of communication and/or the relevant procedure to express views relating to their employment or the activities of the school.
ix. Have no contact with the media regarding school matters without the express permission of the Headteacher.
x. Notify the Headteacher of any known or suspected breaches of the law or of the school's policies, procedures and regulations and co-operate with any investigation of such breaches, particularly in relation to the safeguarding of children, health and safety and financial irregularity. Where this is considered not possible, reference should be made to the school's whistleblowing policy.
xi. Disclose on appointment or at any time any civil/criminal charges, convictions or being the subject of a criminal investigation process (being charged or in possession of a conviction may not necessarily debar from appointment/employment or lead to disciplinary action; however failure to disclose where required will be considered as a serious act of misconduct).
xii. Provide accurate information on the Annual Staff Confirmation Form and notify the Headteacher of any changes to your circumstances that may impact on the information provided on the Annual Staff Confirmation Form.
xiii. Use school equipment provided for the purposes of carrying out their role in a responsible and lawful manner.
xiv. Not provide a professional reference on behalf of the school unless the contents of such reference have been agreed by the Headteacher.
xv. Keep themselves and other members of the school community safe by ensuring that they act in accordance with current Coronavirus (Covid 19) guidance and legislation.
Personal Conduct
All staff are expected to:
i. Ensure that personal relationships within work do not affect their professional role and do not bring the school into disrepute.
ii. Notify the Headteacher either at appointment or during employment of any personal relationship in or outside of school which may result in honesty, objectivity or integrity being brought into question.
iii. Notify the Headteacher of any change in personal (including medical) circumstances which could impact on ability to carry out their role.
iv. Not engage in outside employment (eg private tutoring of the school's own pupils) which could be considered as undermining or conflicting with the business of the school.
v. Wear any uniform, clothes, overalls or protective clothing as required for their role in school.
vi. Dress in a way which is appropriate for a school setting and which reflects Section 8 of the 'Guidance for Safer Working Practice for those who working With Children and Young people in Education Settings' (October, 2015).
vii. Conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times when wearing clothing or an identification badge that identifies them as an employee of the school
viii. Declare any interest/involvement with any outside organisations which may benefit financially or contractually from decisions taken by the school, eg the procurement of goods or services.
ix. Conduct themselves both on and off duty (including use of social media – See Policy On The Use Of Social Networking Sites And Other Forms Of Social Media) in a manner compatible with their employment status with the school.
x. Ensure personal hygiene and appearance is respective of being employed in a school setting.
xi. Act appropriately in terms of their behaviour, the views they express (in particular political views) and the use of school resources at all times, and should not use school resources for party political purposes.
xvi. Keep themselves and other members of the school community safe by ensuring that they act in accordance with current Coronavirus (Covid 19) guidance and legislation.