Intimate Care
Next review August 2024
Policy statement
No child is excluded from participating in our setting who may, for any reason, not yet be toilet trained and who may still be wearing nappies or equivalent. We work with parents towards toilet training, unless there are medical or other developmental reasons why this may not be appropriate at the time. We provide nappy changing facilities and exercise good hygiene practices in order to accommodate children who are not yet toilet trained. We see toilet training as a self-care skill that children have the opportunity to learn with the full support and non-judgemental concern of adults.
- Key persons are aware of the young children in their care who are in nappies or ‘pull-ups’ and those children who have occasional accidents.
- We have a changing station in our EYFS unit which may be used to lay young children down on if they need to be changed. Our changing area is away from the main classroom area and is in a well ventilated. Older children are supported in a separate area to respect privacy.
- Each child’s bag is collected before changing so their nappies, pull ups and changing wipes are to hand.
- Staff and children are to wash hands thoroughly before changing.
- Our staff put on gloves, aprons and facemasks before changing starts and the areas are cleaned before and after use. New protective equipment are used each time a new child is changed.
- Staff and children are to wash hands thoroughly after changing process.
- All our staff are familiar with our hygiene procedures and carry these out when changing nappies.
- Our staff never turn their back on a child or leave them unattended whilst they are on the changing mat.
- We are gentle when changing; we are positive with children while changing.
- In addition, we ensure that nappy changing is relaxed and a time to promote independence in young children.
- We encourage children to take an interest in using the toilet.
- Children access the toilet when they have the need to and are encouraged to be independent.
- We dispose of nappies and pull ups hygienically in a sealed bag. Other items of clothing are bagged for parents to take home.