Summer 1
Summer 1 - Relationships | |
EYFS | In this half term, children are introduced to the key relationships in their lives. They learn about families and the different roles people can have in a family. They explore the friendships they have and what makes a good friend. They are introduced to simple strategies they can use to mend friendships. The children also learn about Jigsaw’s Calm Me and how they can use this when feeling upset or angry. |
Key Vocabulary Family, Jobs, Relationship, Friend, Lonely, Argue, Fall-out, Words, Feelings, Angry, Upset, Calm me, Breathing. | |
KS1 | In this half term the children’s breadth of relationships is widened to include people they may find in their school community. They consider their own significant relationships (family, friends and school community) and why these are special and important. There is also a focus on falling out and mending friendships. Children consider the importance of trust in relationships and what this feels like. They also learn about two types of secret, and why ‘worry secrets’ should always be shared with a trusted adult. As part of the learning on healthy and safe relationships, children learn that touch can be used in kind and unkind ways, and reflect upon different types of physical contact in relationships, which are acceptable and which ones are not. The children also discuss people who can help them if they are worried or scared. Learning about family relationships widens to include roles and responsibilities in a family and the importance of co-operation, appreciation and trust. |
Key Vocabulary Family, Belong, Same, Different, Friends, Friendship, Qualities, Caring, Sharing, Kind, Greeting, Touch, Feel, Texture, Like, Dislike, Help, Helpful, Community, Feelings, Confidence, Praise, Skills, Self-belief, Incredible, Proud, Celebrate, Relationships, Special, Appreciate. Family, Different, Similarities, Special, Relationship, Important, Co-operate, Touch, Physical contact, Communication, Hugs, Like, Dislike, Acceptable, Not acceptable, Conflict, Point of view, Positive problem solving, Secret, Good secret, Worry secret, Telling, Adult, Trust, Happy, Sad, Frightened, Trust, Trustworthy, Honesty, Reliability, Compliments. | |
LKS2 | In this half term, the class revisit family relationships and identify the different expectations and roles that exist within the family home. They identify why stereotypes can be unfair and may not be accurate e.g. Mum is the carer, Dad goes to work. They learn that families should be founded on love, respect, appreciation, trust and cooperation. Children are reminded about the solve-it together technique for negotiating conflict situations and the concept of a win-win outcome is introduced. They start to investigate the emotional aspects of relationships and friendships. With this in mind, children explore jealousy and loss/ bereavement. They identify the emotions associated with these relationship changes, the possible reasons for the change and strategies for coping with the change. The children learn that change is a natural in relationships and they will experience (or may have already experienced) some of these changes. They also learn that sometimes it is better if relationships end, especially if they are causing negative feelings or they are unsafe. Children are taught that relationship endings can be amicable. Online relationships through gaming and Apps is explored and children are introduced to some rules for staying safe online. They investigate the wants and needs of other children who are less fortunate and compare these with their own. Children’s universal rights are also revisited. |
Key Vocabulary Men, Women, Unisex, Male, Female, Stereotype, Career, Job, Role, Responsibilities, Respect, Differences, Similarities, Conflict, Win-win, Solution, Solve-it-together, Problem-solve, Internet, Social media, Online, Risky, Gaming, Safe, Unsafe, Private messaging (pm), Direct messaging (dm), Global, Communication, Fair trade, Inequality, Food journey, Climate, Transport, Exploitation, Rights, Needs, Wants, Justice, United Nations, Equality, Deprivation, Hardship, Appreciation, Gratitude, Celebrate. Relationship, Close, Jealousy, Problem-solve, Emotions, Positive, Negative, Loss, Shock, Disbelief, Numb, Denial, Anger, Guilt, Sadness, Pain, Despair, Hope, Souvenir, Memento, Memorial, Acceptance, Relief, Remember, Negotiate, Compromise, Trust, Loyal, Empathy, Betrayal, Amicable, Appreciation, Love. | |
Year 5 | In this half term the class learn about the importance of self-esteem and ways this can be boosted. This is important in an online context as well as off-line, as mental health can be damaged by excessive comparison with others. This leads onto a series of lessons that allow the children to investigate and reflect upon a variety of positive and negative online/ social media contexts including gaming and social networking. They learn about age -limits and also age-appropriateness. Within these lessons, children are taught the SMARRT internet safety rules and they apply these in different situations. Risk, pressure and influences are revisited with a focus on the physical and emotional aspects of identifying when something online or in social media feels uncomfortable or unsafe. Children are taught about grooming and how people online can pretend to be whoever they want. Rights, responsibilities and respect are revisited with an angle on technology use. Screen time is also discussed and children find ways to reduce their own screen time. This unit aims to help children to be more discerning when viewing anything online or on social media. |
Key Vocabulary Personal attributes, Qualities, Characteristics, Self-esteem, Unique, Comparison, Negative self-talk, Social media, Online, Community, Risky, Positive, Negative, Safe, Unsafe, Rights, Responsibilities, Social network, Gaming, Violence, Grooming, Troll, Gambling, Betting, Trustworthy, Appropriate, Screen time, Physical health, Mental health, Off-line, Social, Peer pressure, Influences, Personal information, Passwords, Privacy, Settings, Profile, SMARRT rules. | |
Year 6 | In this half term the class look at mental health and how to take care of their own mental well-being. They talk about the grief cycle and its various stages, they also discuss the different causes of grief and loss. The children talk about people who can try to control them or have power over them. They look at online safety, learning how to judge if something is safe and helpful as well as talking about communicating with friends and family in a positive and safe way. |
Key Vocabulary Mental health, Ashamed, Stigma, Stress, Anxiety, Support, Worried, Signs, Warning, Self-harm, Emotions, Feelings, Sadness, Loss, Grief, Denial, Despair, Guilt, Shock, Hopelessness, Anger, Acceptance, Bereavement, Coping strategies, Power, Control, Authority, Bullying, Script, Assertive, Risks, Pressure, Influences, Self-control, Real / fake, True / untrue, Assertiveness, Judgement, Communication, Technology, Power, Cyber-bullying, Abuse, Safety. |