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Frenchwood Community Primary School

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Our reading curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all children in our school community and is a highly-valued part of our curriculum. We aim to ensure that children leave Frenchwood as enthusiastic, lifelong readers, with an appreciation for a diverse range of authors and text types. By teaching our children to read fluently and with good understanding helps them develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information.   

Phonics is taught throughout EYFS and Key Stage 1, supporting children to identify and understand letters. Linking graphemes to phonemes and using this to decode a range of words, allowing them to read books that are closely matched to their phonetic knowledge.  


Children are read to daily and are immersed in texts as well as a positive, vocabulary rich learning environment. High-quality texts are provided in libraries for all children with a range of challenging and decodable texts, children visit the library weekly to choose books and given time to read for pleasure. Daily reading takes place, and children are listened to read by adults throughout school.  

In EYFS and Key Stage children learn to read through Phonics, using Read Write Inc. Children are taught to decode words accurately before developing their fluency and pace, whilst learning to understand and comprehend texts. Children who have not passed the phonics screening test by year 2, are supported with high quality phonics intervention, supporting the gap to narrow and progress to be made.  

In Key Stage 2 reading and comprehension skills continue to be taught and developed across the curriculum. Children are exposed to high-quality texts and discussion with their teachers and peers to enhance comprehension skills and further develop a love of reading and an understanding of texts.  


Children in EYFS will develop a love of and an appreciation for a variety of texts and authors, as well as making good progress in phonics, securing the skills needed to continue their reading journey. 

It is expected that most children will be able to read fluently and with understanding by the end of Key Stage 1. Children will be able to read with accuracy, allowing them to pass the phonics screening test, but also with understanding, in order to develop their knowledge, the world, and an appreciation for different texts. 

In Key Stage 2, children will complete their National Curriculum Assessments, giving a measure of progress from KS1 to KS2. Children will be confident readers and will have found a style of text that suits them, allowing them the opportunity to get lost in reading.  

Ongoing formative assessment allows staff to plan for misconceptions and adapt teaching to suit the need of the learners, enabling more children to make progress and gaps to narrow.  

Throughout school, children will complete NFER assessments to give a measure of progress and inform teacher’s future planning. 
