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Frenchwood Community Primary School

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Subject Leadership

As the Art and Design Subject Leader, I hope that the pupils in our school can find joy in creating their own pieces of work in whatever form they choose.   When I was a child, I didn't feel confident as an artist - my drawings weren't as accurate as I wanted them to be.  It was only when I started my teacher training that I began to recognise that this was only a small part of the art curriculum, and I started to enjoy making and appreciating the work of others.  I also recognised the positive impact that art and design had on my emotional wellbeing.


Through our Art and Design Curriculum, we offer our children the time and space to develop their creativity, enabling them to build up skills and techniques and an appreciation of how transformative art can be.  In an ever-changing world, the ability to think and communicate ideas creatively, to approach problems analytically and to engage in mindful activities and all skills that will support our children to enjoy happy and productive lives.


Cathryn Antwis
