Our writing curriculum is designed to enable all pupils to make progress and become creative and independent writers, forming and articulating their own ideas and developing an appreciation for the skill of writing. Children are given the opportunity to develop independence when writing, creating pieces for a variety of different contexts, purposes and audiences and adapting language and style to suit the outcome. We aim to expose children to a range of different contexts and purposes for writing, enabling them to build on their prior knowledge in order to embed and develop their writing skills, whilst becoming competent and producing work for ‘real-life’ contexts’. At Frenchwood, children are taught spelling and handwriting, ensuring that they are not limited by their ability to communicate ideas. Where necessary, children are provided with alternative methods of communication to ensure progress is made and all children achieve success.
Through writing, we ensure that children are exposed to a variety of experiences, texts and vocabulary, ensuring that all children are able to make progress from their starting points. Writing is purposeful and planning carefully takes into account the context of our children, showing clear progress across school. Our writing curriculum focusses on teaching children to communicate fluently and express their ideas and emotions as well as apply key grammatical features to their work.
Children are taught the statutory objectives and acquire the knowledge in composition, grammar and punctuation to become successful and independent writers. Writing is carefully planned and sequenced to ensure exposure to a variety of genres and opportunities for independent and creative writing, developing children’s love for writing and independence. Adaptations are made to ensure that aspirations are high for all children and to remove barriers, enabling them to be successful.
Writing is moderated across year groups, with all staff taking part, ensuring that teachers are clear of expectations as well as confident in making judgements about progress and success.
Children will leave Frenchwood as confident, independent writers, having made progress from their starting points. Children’s writing will show progress throughout the year and through different units of work. Work will be ‘published’ at points in the year, ensuring children take pride in what they produce, and this can be shared with peers, teachers and visitors to school.
Children will leave each Key stage, having been taught the key skills for that year. Writing assessments, allow teachers to assess children’s prior learning and inform future planning, ensuring that teaching is adapted to suit the need of the children at Frenchwood, ultimately, allowing every child to make good progress.