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Frenchwood Community Primary School

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Autumn 1

Autumn 1 - Being Me in My World


In this half term, the children talk about how they have similarities and differences from their friends and how that is OK. They begin working on recognising and managing their feelings, identifying different ones and the causes these can have. The children talk about working with others and why it is good to be kind and use gentle hands. They discuss children’s rights, especially linked to the right to learn and the right to play. The children talk about what it means to be responsible.

Key Vocabulary

Kind, Gentle, Friend, Similar(ity), Different, Rights, Responsibilities, Feelings, Angry, Happy, Excited, Nervous, Sharing, Taking Turns.


In this half term the children discuss their hopes and fears for the year ahead – they talk about feeling worried and recognising when they should ask for help and who to ask. They talk about rights and responsibilities; how to work collaboratively, how to listen to each other and how to make their classroom a safe and fair place. The children talk about choices and the consequences of making different choices, set up their Jigsaw Journals and make the Jigsaw Charter.

Key Vocabulary

Safe, Special, Calm, Belonging, Special, Rights, Responsibilities, Learning Charter, Jigsaw Charter, Rewards, Proud, Consequences, Upset, Disappointed, Illustration. Worries, Hopes, Fears, Responsible Actions, Praise, Positive, Negative, Choices, Co-Operate, Learning Charter, Problem-Solving.


In this half term, the children talk about being part of a team. They talk about attitudes and actions and their effects on the whole class. The children learn about their school and its community, who all the different people are and what their roles are. They discuss democracy and link this to their own School Council, what its purpose is and how it works. The children talk about group work, the different roles people can have, how to make positive contributions, how to make collective decisions and how to deal with conflict. They also talk about considering other people’s feelings. They refresh their Jigsaw Charter and set up their Jigsaw Journals.


Key Vocabulary

Welcome, Valued, Achievements, Proud, Pleased, Personal Goal, Praise, Acknowledge, Affirm, Emotions, Feelings, Nightmare, Fears, Worries, Solutions, Support, Rights, Responsibilities, Dream, Behaviour, Consequences, Actions, Fairness, Choices, Co-Operate, Group Dynamics, Team Work, View Point, Ideal , Belong, Included, Excluded, Welcome, Valued, Team, Charter, Role, Job Description, School Community, Democracy, Democratic, Reward, Decisions, Voting, Authority, Learning Charter, Contribution, Observer, UN Convention on Rights of Child (UNCRC).

Year  5

In this half term  the children think and talk about the year ahead, goals they could set for themselves as well as the challenges they may face. They learn and talk about their rights and responsibilities as a member of their class, school, wider community and the country they live in. The children talk about their own behaviour and its impact on a group as well as choices, rewards, consequences and the feelings associated with each. They also talk about democracy, how it benefits the school and how they can contribute towards it. They revisit the Jigsaw Charter and set up their Jigsaw Journals.

Key Vocabulary

Goals, Worries, Fears, Value, Welcome, Choice, Ghana, West Africa, Cocoa Plantation, Cocoa Pods, Machete, Rights, Community, Education, Wants, Needs, Maslow, Empathy, Comparison, Opportunities, Education, Choices, Behaviour, Responsibilities, Rewards, Consequences, Empathise, Learning Charter, Obstacles, Cooperation, Collaboration, Legal, Illegal, Lawful, Laws, Participation, Motivation, Democracy, Decision, Proud.

Year 6

In this half term the children discuss their year ahead, they learnt to set goals and discuss their fears and worries about the future. The class learn about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and that these are not met for all children worldwide. They talk about their choices and actions and how these can have far-reaching effects, locally and globally. The children talk about their own behaviour and how their choices can result in rewards and consequences and how these feel. They talk about how an individual’s behaviour and the impact it can have on a group. They also talk about democracy, how it benefits the school and how they can contribute towards it. They establish the Jigsaw Charter and set up their Jigsaw Journals

Key Vocabulary

Challenge, Goal, Attitude, Actions, Rights and Responsibilities, United Nations Convention on The Rights of the Child, Citizen, Choices, Consequences, Views, Opinion, Collaboration, Collective Decision, Democracy.
