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Frenchwood Community Primary School

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At Frenchwood, we promote high-quality talk within our classrooms. Children learn to talk and understand how to talk to learn. We strive to ensure children have a vocabulary rich environment and appropriate speaking and listening strategies are modelled throughout the school. Oracy is a part of the culture at Frenchwood, weaving through all curriculum areas and is an integral part of the teaching and learning of our children. By the time they leave Frenchwood, children will be able to confidently express themselves, articulate ideas and speak using appropriate language, whilst listening to others with understanding. 


Oracy is a key part of learning at Frenchwood, enabling children to communicate their own wants, needs and feelings as well as using speaking and listening as a skill for learning, applying this across all subjects and in the wider world. Teachers provide children with opportunities to talk to peers and adults through all lessons. They are supported and encouraged to share their ideas and ask questions to deepen their understanding, share their knowledge and extend their thinking. 

Oracy is carefully planned into English lessons, giving children the opportunity to participate in role play, debates, discussions and share their learning in whole class forums as well as small group work opportunities.   


At Frenchwood, children will use oracy as an integral tool in their education. Children will be able to speak and listen with a high standard of English. Children will be confident to communicate their needs and feelings, express their emotions and converse effectively and appropriately, whether this be with teachers and peers, whilst out on trips or with visitors to school. 
