Spring 2
Spring 2 – Healthy Me | |
EYFS | In this half term, children learn about their bodies; the names of some key parts as well as how to stay healthy. They talk about food and that some foods are healthier than others. They discuss the importance of sleep and what they can do to help themselves get to sleep. They talk about hand washing and why it is important. The class also discuss stranger danger and what they should do if approached by someone they don’t know. |
Key Vocabulary Healthy, Exercise, Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes, Sleep, Wash, Clean, Stranger, Scared, Trust. | |
KS1 | In this half term the class talk about healthy and unhealthy choices and how these choices make them feel. They talk about hygiene, keeping themselves clean and that germs can make you unwell. The children learn about road safety as well as people who can help them to stay safe. The children talk about things that make them feel relaxed and stressed. They talk about medicines, how they work and how to use them safely. |
Key Vocabulary Healthy, Unhealthy, Balanced, Exercise, Sleep, Choices, Clean, Body parts, Keeping clean, Toiletry items (e.g. toothbrush, shampoo, soap), Hygienic, Safe, Medicines, Trust, Safe, Safety, Green Cross Code, Eyes, Ears, Look, Listen, Wait. Lifestyle, Motivation, Relax, Relaxation, Tense, Calm, Healthy, Unhealthy, Dangerous, Body, Balanced diet, Portion, Proportion, Energy, Fuel, Nutritious. | |
LKS2 | In this half term, the class talk about the importance of exercise and how it helps your body to stay healthy. They also talk about their heart and lungs, discuss what they do and that they are very important. The children talk about calories, fat and sugar; they discuss what each of these are and how the amount they consume can affect their health. The class talk about different types of drugs, the ones you take to make you better as well as other drugs. The children think about things, places and people that are dangerous and link this to strategies for keeping themselves safe. They look at the friendship groups that they are part of, how they are formed, how they have leaders and followers and how they fit into them. The children are asked to reflect on their friendships, how different people make them feel and which friends they value the most. The class also look at smoking and its effects on health, they do the same with alcohol and then look at the reasons why people might drink or smoke. Finally, they talk about peer pressure and how to deal with it. |
Key Vocabulary Oxygen, Energy, Calories / kilojoules, Heartbeat, Lungs, Heart, Fitness, Labels, Sugar, Fat, Saturated fat, Healthy, Drugs, Attitude, Safe, Anxious, Scared, Strategy, Advice, Harmful, Risk, Feelings, Complex, Appreciate, Body, Choice, Friendship, Emotions, Healthy, Relationships, Friendship groups, Value, Roles, Leader, Follower, Assertive, Agree, Disagree, Smoking, Pressure, Peers, Guilt, Advice, Alcohol, Liver, Disease, Anxiety, Fear, Believe, Opinion, Right, Wrong. | |
Year 5 | In this half term the class look at the risks linked to smoking and how this affects the lungs, liver and heart. They do the same with the risks associated with alcohol misuse. They are taught a range of basic emergency procedures (including the recovery position) and learn how to contact the emergency services when needed. The children look at how body types are portrayed in the media, social media and celebrity culture. They also talk about eating disorders and people’s relationships with food and how this can be linked to negative body image pressures. |
Key Vocabulary Choices, Healthy behaviour, Unhealthy behaviour, Informed decision, Pressure, Media, Influence, Emergency, Procedure, Recovery position, Calm, Levelheaded, Body image, Media, Social media, Celebrity, Altered, Self-respect, Comparison, Eating problem, Eating disorder, Respect, Debate, Opinion, Fact, Motivation. | |
Year 6 | In this half term the class discuss taking responsibility for their own physical and emotional health and the choices linked to this. They talk about different types of drugs and the effects these can have on people’s bodies. The class discuss exploitation as well as gang culture and the associated risks. They also talk about mental health / illness and that people have different attitudes towards this. They learn to recognise the triggers for and feelings of being stressed and that there are strategies they can use when they are feeling stressed. |
Key Vocabulary Responsibility, Choice, Immunisation, Prevention, Drugs, Effects, Motivation, Prescribed, Unrestricted, Over-the-counter, Restricted, Illegal, Volatile substances, ‘Legal highs’, Exploited, Vulnerable, Criminal, Gangs, Pressure, Strategies, Reputation, Anti-social behaviour, Crime, Mental health, Emotional health, Mental illness, Symptoms, Stress, Triggers, Strategies, Managing stress, Pressure. |