Upper Key Stage 2
Frenchwood Community Primary School – Parent Overview | ||
This is what your child will be learning this half term | ||
Cycle B | Y5/6 | Spring 1 |
English | In Y6, children will be studying older literature which will be a version of a Shakespearian text, Macbeth. They will explore the story from different character’s perspectives leading up to a retelling of various scenes within the play. In the non-fiction unit, children will be writing a magazine containing a range of text types linked to a Shakespearian villain or hero. In Y5, children will be exploring the science fiction text, Aquila by Andrew Norris, analysing the features of this genre and then creating their own version of a sci-fi narrative. Later in the term, children will be reading and discussing a range of poems such as haikus and limericks before creating their own. | |
Maths | Y5 Place value Addition and subtraction Statistics Geometry (angles/measures) Y6 Number, place value and decimals Addition and subtraction Multiplication Division | |
Science | Materials and their properties Your child will compare and group together everyday materials based on their properties. They will use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures are separated using different processes. Children will investigate properties of materials through fair testing, observing, recording and comparing. | |
PE | Indoor - Gymnastics core task 2 Outdoor - Striking and Fielding - Cricket | |
Geography | Why does population change? Pupils will learn all about the increase in population. They will begin to describe what might influence the environments people live in and they will define birth and death rates, suggesting what may influence them. | |
Computing | Data and information-introduction to spreadsheets Children will be supported in organising data into columns and rows to create their own data set. Children will be taught the importance of formatting data to support calculations, while also being introduced to formulas and will begin to understand how they can be used to produce calculated data. They will use these skills to create graphs and charts, and evaluate their results in comparison to questions asked. | |
Art | Sculpture and 3D - Making memories Creating a personal memory box using a collection of found objects and hand-sculptured forms, reflecting primary school life with symbolic and personal meaning. | |
PSHE | Dreams and Goals • Know their own learning strengths • Know how to set realistic and challenging goals • Know what the learning steps are they need to take to achieve their goal • Know a variety of problems that the world is facing • Know how to work with other people to make the world a better place • Know some ways in which they could work with others to make the world a better place • Know what their classmates like and admire about them | |
Music | Charanga – Make you feel my Love Make You Feel My Love by Bob Dylan – a Pop Ballad sung by Adele. Children will be using musical instruments to accompany this song. They will also be improvising using the notes C, D and E. | |
RE | Hinduism – We will be looking at the life of the god Krishna and the festival of Holi. | |
MFL | This term in Spanish, the children will be learning about the weather. They will be learning to: