School Name

Frenchwood Community Primary School

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Subject Leadership

My name is Sarah Blackburn, I am the subject leader for Computing, and I love technology.  Computing is everywhere, from music, to media, to sport, to fashion and health.  I am passionate about solving riddles and coding allows me to do that!  One of the most enjoyable aspects of Computing is seeing children write and de-bug coding and create some amazing game designs. 


I thoroughly enjoy the children’s creativity and to be in a position to be able to support them with confidence and passion is a privilege.    An important part of my role is to lead computing across the school with links to developing children’s confidence and competence of engaging with a variety of technology.


I also coordinate and set up Internet Safety days for the school, allowing children and adults to get involved by bringing awareness of online risks and how they could remain safe, enabling them to believe they can use technology in a safe and responsible way.  In addition, on a regularly basis, I share guidance and tips to our parents on technology and be a part of our Safer Internet Day.  

