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Frenchwood Community Primary School

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  • Struggling to get school information at the right time?

    Sun 30 Aug 2020

    We have been in almost constant contact with our families, with the exception of 4 weeks in the summer holidays.  Our count down to returning to school began on Saturday 22nd August with daily bulletins to give everyone the information they need to keep as safe as possible when we all return to school.


    There is a very small minority of our parents who are struggling to use Class Dojo - the app we use to share news and information.  Others lack confidence in using the website.  In the current situation it is essential that every family has the information they need, and for this reason we are happy to help individuals to get to grips with our communication tools.


    Please telephone the office to arrange a session.




  • Visitors and Meetings

    Sun 30 Aug 2020

    We know that emails and phone calls are usually the best way to communicate with school, but sometimes you will need to pop into the school office.


    To keep everyone as safe as possible, you will only be allowed into school if you have booked an appointment.  Please telephone the office to make an appointment.
